Sunday, May 23, 2010

John 9-11

Name: Erin Christina Elliott Today’s Date: 5/20/10

Course: New Testament
Reading Block: John 9-11

Doctrines and Principles:

• God will hear you as long as you believe (John 9:31)

• The Lord is my shepherd (John 10)

• Some things happen so that God can show is power (John 11)

Thoughts, Impressions, Ideas for Application:

• Three times the people asked how the blind man was healed and 3 times he answered. They asked a fourth time and he finally told them that he would not tell them again for they had not heard the first times. How many times does that happen to us? How many times do we do that? We cannot learn if we do not listen. It makes me wonder if people really want to know what they are asking or if they are asking just because they feel like they have to in order to be nice. I am not saying that I never have to ask the same question a few times, I mean who doesn’t forget things, but it is all in the same moment, people ask the same questions over and over and over again and it does tend to get annoying and it hurts to know that they are not really listening to what you are saying. Do they really care? I think the only good thing that came from this is the blind man’s answers got more powerful and fuller every time he shared his story. It became his testimony and just like testimonies, they have to be shared to grow and become stronger.

• I know that Christ and my Heavenly Father bring light to my life. It says that those who walk in the day (the light) will not stumble but those who walk at night (the dark) will stumble because they cannot see. There have been times that I have been without the Lord in my life; thinking that I can do things on my own and that I would be fine. Those times in darkness are when we think that we can do it all alone, when we don’t take the Lord with us in all that we do. Those times are the worst, and the feeling of being in the light, the Lord in your life and taking him with you always and remembering that he is there and wants you safe are the best times. The world is a dark scary lonely place, but with Christ, Heavenly Father, and the Spirit it does not have to be. We need to walk in the light and remember that as long as we do, we will not fall.

• I sometimes forget that all things that happen have a reason and a purpose for happening. It really is all according to His will and what is for the best of us. Heavenly Father is pretty smart for how he works and very mysterious. That I think is one important thing to always remember, everything happens for a reason, every trial, every bad and good thing, no matter what, we need to remember and learn from it all.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

John 6-8

Name: Erin Christina Elliott Today’s Date: 5/20/10

Course: New Testament
Reading Block: John 6-8

Doctrines and Principles:

• Christ is the bread of life (John 6:35)

• Judge righteous judgments (John 7:24)

• No one will be taken before their time (John 8:20 (and other places))

Thoughts, Impressions, Ideas for Application:

• Chapter six makes me think of the sacrament. He is the bread of life, the bread represents his body and the water his blood. He refers to himself and says whoever shall eat of him shall have eternal life. It is partaking of the sacrament. The thing that gets me even more is how after him saying these things is when people turn on him and walk away and will no longer follow him. My heart hurt reading this. How can they walk away from him? People are so easily swayed by the words of others, to follow the crowd rather than following a single person is a safer choice to make. Well, growing up, even more so when my dad left the church my life was under constant watch and to follow the Lord was a lot harder to do. It was a choice to be always yelled at and verbally abused by my father for going to church and doing everything he hated me doing as well as when I messed up he would call me out on it every time. I can see why people would walk away from the Lord and stop following him, no longer walk with him. I can see how Christ would turn to the 12 and ask them if they would walk away too. I can see why people would do the things they did. In my life I choose to keep following Christ no matter what anyone says.

• Fear is another thing that people hide from. I am not sure if it is the same for back then but I know there have been times that for fear of what people would think I would keep my mouth closed. Everyone was supposed to hate someone and I was their friend, but if everyone knew that I would be hated as well. I regret doing that. Even those who believed in Christ and loved him would not speak of him in fear of the Jews. I think sometimes we let fear rule our lives. We don’t take a chance or we won’t bare our testimony in fear of getting shut down or made fun of or hated. We will hide who we are and pretend that we don’t know anything about anything just for acceptance and protection. No one wants to feel left out and be alone or hated because of something they believe in. Fear rules our hearts at times, and with fear – there can be no faith.

• There is so much that there is to think about. One thing that hit me the most was whosoever is without sin can cast the first stone. Who am I to judge another when I walk imperfectly? One thing that we do a lot and a perfect example here where these people were to cast stones at this woman because she had sinned, we like to cast harsh things and judge and turn our backs on people who have “sinned”. I have felt the harshness of such a thing and it hurts to know that those who have no right to judge me are saying that I am horrible and worthless when they as well are not perfect. I know the I am not perfect and I cannot look at someone and call them a sinner for anything that they have done, if anything I want to help them, I never want anyone to feel the pain that I have felt at any point in my life. We all have our fault and have made our mistakes and lived our lives. So what a wonderful and perfect lesson Christ simply states, for those who are without sin, they can cast the first stone, but no one could and they all left. It is Christ who can say to us that we are without sin, he can take it all away and make us new. He is the judge, and most of the time as long as we go to him, he will judge us as clean and remove the sin from us. So who am I to judge another? I am no one to judge, I do walk imperfectly.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

John 1-5

Name: Erin Christina Elliott Today’s Date: 5/19/10

Course: New Testament

Reading Block: John 1-5

Doctrines and Principles:

• Man baptizes by water and the spirit baptizes by fire (John 1)

• Believe in Christ and ye shall have eternal life (John 3)

• Through Christ we shall never thirst again (John 4:10-14)

Thoughts, Impressions, Ideas for Application:

• The Lord is my light, so why should I fear? Nothing really truly went along with this in this block yet it was in my head. Light was a theme in one of the chapters, or at least part of a chapter. It kind of threw me off a little bit when it said that God was the light and that we don’t HAVE it but that we are suppose to share it. It may not say that exactly but that is how I took it. So I thought about it for a moment. The Lord is my light. I feel him in my life and it is the light that guides me through the darkness and I know that he is with me and even though I do fear at times I know that I should not because he will guide me through it all. I have such an amazing thing in my life and it burns inside me that I cannot keep it to myself. I bear my testimony in so many ways daily. Even to those not of the church they know how much I love my savoir and my heavenly Father. I tell them about the wonderful things that I am blessed with and the many things that they have helped me through. The Lord is my light and I will share that light with all those around me.

• I have more thoughts just going through my mind but I don’t know how to express them in writing. All that I can really think about is how people can hear the things that Christ spoke of and still hate him. How Christ knew what was going to happen and he spoke of it and yet none of them understood and followed what he was talking about. I know we have not read about it yet but Christ hints about it and now it is telling about the Jews wanting him dead and it is so hard to read. It always makes me think about what type of person would I have been back then? Would I have understood? Would I have known who he was? So just reading in John 5 it leaves me just to ponder and I cannot really come up with words to say but just reflect in my own heart.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Luke 16-19

Name: Erin Christina Elliott Today’s Date: 5/16/10

Course: New Testament

Class Hour: MWF 12:45-1:45

Reading Block: Luke 16-19

Doctrines and Principles:

• No one can serve two masters (Luke 16:13)

• Always forgive everything (Luke 17:3-4)

• Those things that are impossible with men, are possible though God (Luke 18:27)

Thoughts, Impressions, Ideas for Application:

• There is this part that talks about justification before men. I know that I tend to do that and I am pretty sure we all do it. We take things that we do and we try to justify them so that we sound better or not as lame or just whatever it is to make it sound like what we are doing is not exactly what we are doing. There has been a time in my life that that is what I did, just justified everything that I did. I didn’t want anyone to think less of me because I did something I shouldn’t have done or because I was Mormon. It comes down to a point that we can justify all we want to those around us, but when it comes to God, we can’t justify our deeds, he knows all, and he knows our hearts.

• Such a little thing as faith may not seem like a lot and that it can do much, but with pure unwavering faith, even faith as small as a grain of mustard seed it can do so much. People are healed by faith, these people in the scriptures most not healed by the laying on of hands but by their faith. “Thy faith hath made the whole” Those words fill my heart. Knowing that through my faith, even though it may not seem like I can move mountains I have the faith to know that through my Heavenly Father anything can happen.

• Lots wife looked back and longed for that what she did have. Repentance, fully repenting means not turning back around. It is normal to long for that which once was, to have that feeling or whatever the sin gave you again in your life. Satan works and makes you want to long for it and want it more than anything. I struggle. There are times that I feel so empty, so lost, so invisible, so hated of myself that I would give anything to have that feeling of someone caring again, but I know I can’t, I know that I cannot turn around. It hurts to look back and just as Lots wife no good comes from turning around again.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Luke 10-15

Name: Erin Christina Elliott Today’s Date: 5/4/10

Course: New Testament

Reading Block: Luke 10-15

Doctrines and Principles:

• Love God with all of yourself (Luke 10:27)

• Love thy neighbor even thy enemy and show compassion to all (Luke 10:37)

• Knock, Ask, Seek (Luke 11:9-10)

Thoughts, Impressions, Ideas for Application:

• A poor way fairing man of grief…Who sued so humbly for relief…Just perishing for want of bread, I gave him all; he blessed it, brake… The song goes on telling of all the times that this man ran into the other man and every time he stopped all he was doing and helped him. In the end he realized that this man was the savior. Of me thou hast not been ashamed. How often do we find ourselves in such a rush that we just pass by those opportunities? We are supposed to help all those around us and love our neighbor no matter who our neighbor is. We probably will never have the experience of the person being Christ, but it could be someone that we needed to meet, someone to teach us something. None the less in the end, we are to be more Christ like and he would stop and help all those in need and we as well need to stop.

• Sadly enough there are times when I do not put Christ/church first in my life. I actually have been struggling and stressing myself sick lately and got a blessing the other night. In that blessing I am reminded of all the things that I know for a fact I am not diligently doing because I stay up till 12:30 every night doing homework and go right to bed. I put my school work and sleep first and do not do personal scripture study and real perfect prayer time like I should be doing. I do pray, but it’s laying in bed while I am trying to fall asleep, actually I cannot sleep unless I am talking to my Heavenly Father, it helps me clear my mind and calm myself so that I can actually rest. Just like the little sand and rock object lesson, (the rocks being things like scripture and prayer and the sand being all the other things in life like school and TV) you cannot get the rocks in if you put the sand in first, the rocks go in and then the sand. If we all put Christ first in our lives then even if it doesn’t seem like we will have the time, we will, the Lord will make sure that we have time for everything.

• We all have the light of Christ shining within us, and that light is a light that we need to let shine forth for others to see. We need to always be looking for what is right and never hide ourselves or be ashamed of who we really are. I know that I am a daughter of God. I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and I will stand strong and proud and say that to anyone. I do not hide who I am, and I try in everything I do to let my light so shine and not be hid so that other may see that there is something different about me, that they may understand that yes I am different. There have been people in my life notice that, and they have asked, and they respect me so much more for the fact that I know these things and how strong I stand for them.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Mark 7-10

Name: Erin Christina Elliott Today’s Date: May 11, 2010

Course: New Testament

Reading Block: Luke 7-10

Doctrines and Principles:

• Fear not and believe (Luke 8:20)

• Christ can do all, even that that man cannot (Luke 8:43-48)

• You cannot grow if you do not stand in holy places (Luke 8:12-15)

Thoughts, Impressions, Ideas for Application:

• Faith and fear cannot both be in you. It is either one of the other. You cannot fear something and have faith that it will be alright, you have to just have the faith and fear not. I remember sitting down and really thinking about this and I after truly going over it in my head I understood why I feel so much more lost and confused when I am afraid of something rather than just having faith and knowing no matter what everything will work out in the end. That is one of my greatest problems. Faith and fear cannot be in your heart together.

• This really hit me hard reading it. I need to remember that even though man is not doing anything to help me, my heavenly father and Christ can. I just need to get over my whole to afraid to ask for a blessing thing. I always fear that my reason for wanting a blessing of comfort is dumb or not worthy of a blessing and wasting peoples time. I need to remember that Christ is there to help me and will always be there to help me. There is only so much that man can do, but through Christ everything, EVERYTHING can be healed.

• Stand in holy places, protected by the storm. Stand in holy places when your sails are ripped and torn. I cannot think of the song off the top of my head but it is a good song. It reminds me that we need to be standing in holy places with our roots dug in deep to what we know. It is so easy to follow the crowd and to the things that others want you to do even when you know they are not the best choice. We all need to remember that we need to stand in holy places and be an example and stand strong.

Luke 3-6

Name: Erin Christina Elliott Today’s Date: May 9, 2010

Course: New Testament

Reading Block: Luke 3-6

Doctrines and Principles:

• Christ was able to with stand Satan no matter what he said and did. (Luke 4:2-14)

• When you kick Satan out of your life you will be filled with the spirit and your light will be able to shine to the nations (Luke 4:14)

• It is not to call together the righteous but to call the sinners to repentance (Luke 5:32)

Thoughts, Impressions, Ideas for Application:

• Genealogy really is important. It is important to know where we came from. It helps us understand who we are. It can give us pride (in a good way) of who we are. I do think it is important to know who are ancestors are and what they did. They are the people who came before us and who made the world we live in what it is. They marked the path, and worked their whole lives so that we might have a little better of a life. It also helps remind us that once you trace it all the way back, that we really are literally the sons and daughters of God. Proof that fills my heart with joy and reminds me that I am worth so much more than I give myself credit for.

• Just like us Christ had to face the temptation of Satan. I think of how well he was able to get through that, and I think of all the times that I have failed. It just seems so easy for Christ to just say no. But I also know the great feeling there is when Satan and all his evil leaves. There really is a light that others can see. For the time you are weak and once it is gone you are strong again. I know the feeling to be truly happy and to have no weight any more. I know that others can tell because my friends all saw that something was different, there really is the light of Christ that can once again shine on through one Satan is out of our lives.

• Why are we so quick and easy to forget all that the Lord has done for us? First we doubt what the Lord can do for us, and then we receive that blessing, and then forget that it was the lord that gave it to us. I am not innocent; I know that I have done that before. It just bugs me how it happens time after time after time, and yet the Lord still forgives us and keeps blessing us. I am so grateful for the blessing and the lessons that he teaches us through them.

Mark 4-10

Name: Erin Christina Elliott Today’s Date: 5/6/10

Course: New Testament

Reading Block: Mark 4-10

Doctrines and Principles:

• Christ taught his doctrine through parables (Mark 4:2)

• Our faith is what makes us whole (Mark 5:27-34)

• Even on Sunday Christ took the opportunity to teach(Mark 6:1)

Thoughts, Impressions, Ideas for Application:

• Master, the tempest is raging! The billows are tossing high! The sky is oer’shadowed with blackness No shelter or help is nigh. Carest Thou not that we perish? How canst Thou lie asleep?! When each moment so madly is threatening, A grave in the angry deep? The Lord will always be there for us. We should not question him, no harm will ever come to us as long as we have the faith in him. I know that I cannot be that person who ever doubts the Lord. It just, I hate reading about how often the Lord has to say “ye of little faith” How can people doubt that power and all that he does over and over and over again?!

• There are so many people in the world, so many people praying and asking for help. Heavenly Father and Christ know each and every one of us. He knows all our needs and he knows out pleas. They are aware of us and know when we are asking for them. I know there are times when I doubt if the Lord knows that I am here and in need of him. He knows, I know he knows and I can feel him in my life every hour of every day. As long as I call upon him for help and put all my faith in him that he can help, he helps. It is the fact that you have faith that makes you whole, it is the faith in the Lord that he can help us and will help us. I love my Heavenly Father, and I am so grateful for all that he does for me.

• Those with ears to hear will be the ones to hear the teachings of the gospel. There are often times I have to be told over and over again things that I need to do because the first 100 times I just didn’t want to hear it. There are many things that we all hear and are taught but we don’t always really hear the words and process the lesson being taught to us. It is only when we are ready to hear and ready to learn and do what is being asked of us is when we will really learn and grow.

Mark 1-3

Name: Erin Christina Elliott Today’s Date: 5/4/10

Course: New Testament

Reading Block: Mark 1-3

Doctrines and Principles:

• Denying the Holy Ghost is one of the worst things you can do (Mark 3:29)

• Christ heals by the faith of the person (Mark 2:5)

• We need to pray in solitary places (Mark 1:34)

Thoughts, Impressions, Ideas for Application:
• It wasn’t until just lately that I have really been thinking about blessings and how through the atonement we can be healed of sicknesses too. It is through our faith that we receive those blessings and healings through the priesthood. If we don’t truly have faith that we can be healed then, well, we won’t. It is just like the scriptures say, by your faith you are healed.

• I will go, I will do, the things the Lord commands. Just like Nephi and even the apostles of Christ, they dropped everything and followed Christ and what the Lord has commanded them to do. It makes me wonder if I could just drop everything and go, if I would leave all that I have because that is what the Lord wanted me to do. I do those little things that I am asked to do, but I know until I do those huge things and pack up and leave the life I am living for anything that the Lord says, I won’t be fully following in my saviors footsteps. I hate the fact that as I sit here and think about it I cannot say I will do anything and everything the Lord commands me. I know I want to, but I feel like I am going to have to be compelled or pushed. I wish I was as great as them to just drop everything and follow.

• Christ left everyone and everything to go and pray in a quiet place. I think that everyone should do that. I know that when I hide myself and pray to where I am away from my yelling roommates and distractions I can communicate better with my Heavenly Father. It is a more sure way to be able to get our thoughts across and get our answers received. If it is loud and crazy around us and we are not really taking ourselves out of the worries of the day then it is not as meaningful and it will be harder to hear and feel the spirit whispering to us the answers to our thoughts and questions.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Matthew 17-20

Name: Erin Christina Elliott Today’s Date: 5/2/10

Course: New Testament

Class Hour: MWF 12:45-1:45

Reading Block: Matt. 17-20 Read the entire block?

Doctrines and Principles:

• Without faith we can do nothing and receive nothing but as long as we have faith and believe we can do anything (Matthew 17:20)

• Humble yourself as a child. (Matthew 18:1-4)

• Keep the commandments. (Matthew 19)

Thoughts, Impressions, Ideas for Application:

• I love little children. I have had many experiences with them and how sweet and innocent and pure they are blows me away. It is one of those things that I wish I could go back in time and be a child again, we have no worries and the veil is so thin back then as well (or so we are told). The simple uncomplicated testimony of a child just blows me away. They know what is right and they know who they are. They have that pure love of Christ in their lives. Just think of how close we could all be if we would just humble ourselves like children. That doesn’t mean to act as them but to just understand what we are being told. To listen to what we believe and not doubt what we are told. I think the faith and pureness of little children is why I am drawn to them so much and why I am majoring in what I am. I want to always be around them and always have that amazing feeling.

• Everything I have been given really isn’t mine. I would have nothing if it was not from the blessing of my Heavenly Father, so why should I not give it all back to him. What more can I do in my life to be what I need to be to obtain eternal life. I know I am not perfect, but I know that I cannot take all that I have and not share and not give. I know that if I were to do that I would be a hypocrite. I have live with no food and when I have food I know that I need to share it and help other people out. I have no money and yet I give what I don’t have to others. I know that it is what we are supposed to do. And yet I still find myself on the selfish side sometimes and I know that I should not be. I know that I should be better, I find myself not wanting to give up things as the man in the parable. I don’t want to be like that. It is hard but I know that it is possible and that we can all do what the Lord has asked us to do.

• Whoever gives up things for the lord sake shall be blessed. One night I was thinking about how there have been people who have given up their lives because of what they believe and I wondered what I would do if that happened to me, if someone said deny God and die. It is scary to think of this, but I came to the conclusion that I could not give up what I believe to be true under any circumstance. Sometimes I feel like I am boasting about it but I am not, or I don’t mean to at least. It is weird to think of the fact that I could die for something as little as faith, though to me it is not little it is a life style. My life was given by them and I know it, I know it without a doubt and if someone wants me to deny such things I could not.

Question to Share in Class:

Q: This continues my last thought. It says that it someone loseth something for his sake they shall have eternal life, or something along those lines, and yet their life is not in such an order to receive such high blessing do they still get those blessings?

Friday, April 30, 2010

Matthew 11-16

Name: Erin Christina Elliott Today’s Date: 4/29/10

Course: New Testament

Reading Block: Matt. 11-16

Doctrines and Principles:

• All things that Christ spoke of are from his Father (Matthew 11:27)

• Christ teaches in parables to help us learn and truly understand what he is teaching us. (Matthew 13:10-17)

• Without faith Christ miracles will not work. His miracles are made done by our faith. (Matthew 14:27-31)

Thoughts, Impressions, Ideas for Application:

• There are times when we feel like our life is so hard and that we are alone and that no one cares to help us at all, we tend to forget the fact that Heavenly Father and Christ are there. Christ died for us so that we may use the atonement that we could turn to him and that the burdens that we carry may be light. Through Christ our heavy burden will be taken away and we will find rest. I know that in my life I have had to learn the hard way but I have learned and I know the great love that they have for me and for all of us.

• We often here the saying practice what you preach. It is true that we need to do that. How can we be telling people to do things when we ourselves are not doing that? We need to remember the things we say are being written down. “…angels above us are silent notes taking of every action…” not just of every action but every word and deed that we do. We will be condemned or saved by all the things we say and do.

• The seeds that we sow in our lives are taking in different ways. Some people have the word but don’t understand it and someone comes along and tells them something else that they are led away. If we stand in holy places and keep ourselves safe we can stop people from leading us away and keeping our roots planted deep. I have had friends that this has happened to. Even when you think the root is deep, people who are easily offended can just get up and leave. There were several reasons why my dad left the church but sometimes I think that the root of the church was not so deeply planted in his heart, I don’t see how someone who loves something so much can just up and leave. The words of evil can hurt those that even love the church and I think that is also something in my dad’s case and in friends of mine cases. I need to always remember these things and remember how I feel and keep the good thoughts and the love of the gospel in my life.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Matthew 6-10

Name: Erin Christina Elliott Today’s Date: 4/27/10

Course: New Testament

Class Hour: MWF 12:45-1:45

Reading Block: Matt. 6-10

Doctrines and Principles:

• Lay not upon the treasures of Earth but of the treasures of Heaven (Matthew 6:19-21)

• Give alms and pray in secret, not in front of people as the hypocrites do (Matthew 6:4-5)

• Judge not that ye be not judged (Matthew 7:1)

Thoughts, Impressions, Ideas for Application:

• I am weird in ways that I read my scriptures. Sometimes when I read I find hymns in the scriptures and I mark them and I think about why this is in the scriptures and is a hymn. Master, the Tempest is Raging is one of my favorites. Our lives are like the sea that they are sailing on and there is nothing that Christ cannot help us with. As long as we have the faith that Christ is there and that he can help the crazy winds and waves that our lives are sailing on then we will be helped and we will find the peace and the stillness.

• In my P Blessing I am told that people will be able to look at me and know that I am different, that I have the spirit. As Latter-day Saints we are different and we do have a light in our eyes that people will recognize and be drawn to. It is said that the eyes are the gate way to the heart. I know that I have always striven to make sure that there is a light in my eyes and that I am not filled with darkness. That line in my blessing relates to the scriptures in Matthew 6 talking about light in the eyes and it should not only be important to me but to everyone. We need to be careful because people are always watching and know what we do.

• We need to build our lives on the gospel. Christ really is the rock of our salvation that is the rock in the song The Wise Man and the Foolish Man. What I never really noticed until today is the fact that the Foolish man is following Satan’s plan. Satan wants us to build our lives upon the sand so that he can move us and shift us around and in the end destroys us. Follow Christ we will always keep our heads above water, following Satan we will drown.

Matthew 3-5

Name: Erin Christina Elliott Today’s Date: 4/24/10

Course: New Testament

Class Hour: MWF 12:45-1:45

Reading Block: Matt. 3-5

Doctrines and Principles:

• Be perfect as our Father in Heaven is perfect(Matthew 5:48)
• Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God (Matthew 4:7)
• Christ had to be baptized to fulfill all righteousness (Matthew 3:15)

Thoughts, Impressions, Ideas for Application:

• Christ was tempted. We are all tempted. We should stand strong as Christ did. “Get thee hence Satan” is the phrase that Christ used and that I as well try to use in my life. I do not just say it to myself, but when I am in a situation where I feel like a friend is pressuring me I find myself saying out loud “Get thee hence Satan”. I know that I need to withstand temptation and all the trials that come to me. Using Christ’s example is what we should all use, as we all are striving to be more like Christ.
• Often times when I read about how God says that he is well pleased in Christ I wonder if he is up there watching me thinking about me, his daughter, and if he is well pleased in me. I try, I stumble, I fall, but I get back up. Just as I am trying my best to make my parents back home pleased in me, I can’t help but want to do anything and everything to make sure that my Father in Heaven is also pleased in me.
• I am the light of the world. A lot of pressure in the sentence. I am told not to hide my light, and sometimes I do find myself that I am hiding it. Trying to be someone I am not and changing who I am for other people to try to fit in. A quote that I once heard sticks out to me “why are you trying so hard to fit in when you were born to stand out” I know I was born to stand out and be a daughter of God. I need to let my light so shine for all to see. I know who I am and I know Gods plan, and I will try my best to be who I need to be.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

The New Testiment

So why just stop writing in here ... I am going to continue this with my New Testiment class.

Reading Block: Matt. 1-2; Luke 1-2

Doctrines and Principles:

• Jesus Christ is the divine son of Heavenly Father and was conceived in Mary by the power of the Holy Ghost. And through this, Christ being born into mortality, it fulfilled prophesy given about the coming of Christ. (Matthew 1:18-23)

• Nothing is impossible thought the power of God. (Luke 1:37)

• Christ knew from the start what his role in life was, who his father is, and things he ought to be doing. (Luke 2:42-52)

Thoughts, Impressions, Ideas for Application:

• After the angel spoke to the shepherds in the field they went “with haste” to go to where they where told to go. In life, how often do we take haste in doing what we have been asked to do or to do what we need to do? We are often told to not procrastinate and yet, I know for me at least, that more often is there procrastination in my life opposed to taking haste to the things that I know the Lord wants me to be doing.

• Zacharias doubted the angel of the Lord and was punished for doing such. I’m not sure if I have ever really been punished but I know that there are times that I have felt like Zacharias in not really thinking what the Lord is trying to tell me is right, that it is impossible. I don’t like to make a habit of doubting the Lord and his will but I know deep down inside His way is the best way; I just don’t want to admit it. It brings a new light, seeing those who have done what I am doing and what happened to them.

• The Kings saw a star and it brought great joy to them. The star was a symbol of Christ birth and he brought great joy to the world. The gospel is the guiding star in my life and it brings great joy. Without the gospel I know that I would be lost in the dark. I am so grateful for the knowledge that I have, it is such a blessing to me in my life. I love it, it is just not my religion, and it is my life.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

I didnt keep up with this

and for that i am sry.

but here is my final.

So I am going to see how well I can piece these three questions together to write this paper, so I apologize if it seems little rough around the edges and in transitions. I would just like to start by sharing one of my journal entries (unedited, you are getting to read what came from my mind to my paper). My most inner feelings and thoughts, the things that I hurt to say out loud, as I in low times find it hard to see my heavenly fathers love for me, even thought I know that he does in fact love me. I do promise that there is a lesson in it; I had to at least talk myself into the lesson.

Section 77-81

I am working on myself.

I am trying to grow.

I know there are still some things that are holding me back.

Life gets hard. No one said it would be easy, but that it would be worth it.

I struggle.

More then I should.

I read my scriptures for class and I write all these thoughts and feelings that I have about what I read.

But I can’t help but feel hypocritical in some of the things.

I am not perfect.

I worry about if I can ever be good enough to receive these blessings.

I doubt myself.

Sometimes I even look in the mirror and tell myself how much I hate me. Tell myself that I am in fact worthless and the only good any guy will ever see in me is to be used. It is like I have fallen down too low to even get back up again, to low for help.

D&C 78:7 "For if you will that I give unto you a place in the celestial world, you must prepare yourselves by doing the things which I have commanded you and required of you"

Easier said than done.

I have faith in the Lord; I just don’t have faith or hope in myself anymore. I feel like I am just here now.

I know I am not alone. Heavenly Father is with me. But as I keep making the same mistakes over and over I am sure he is getting tired of me disobeying.

How can some someone with a testimony like mine screw up like I do?

My bishop has praised me and has thanked me for how strong I am and he can see it in my eyes. Why can't I feel thing strength when faced with things? Satan knows my weaknesses and I fall every time. It is weird because sinning doesn’t get easier for me, I can say no to anything and everything, but the one thing he can get me on every time. Satan knows us.

"Ye cannot bear all things..." said in verse 18 of the same section. I know I need him. Every hour. I struggle and I fall. And in a world that I feel so lost and cold and alone in, he is the only one I can turn to. But does he still want me to turn to him as I keep doing what I am doing? "...I will lead you along" I need him to lead me, guide me and walk beside me. I try. I go far. There are times I don’t even look back.

D&C 81:6 "And if thou are faithful unto the end thou shalt have a crown of immortallity, and eternal life in the mansions which I have prepared in the house of my father."

All I can do is try. All I can do is keep pushing and enduring to the end. Praying all the time, everywhere, pleading with my father for help, for the companionship of the Holy Ghost, the comforter, to always be with me, to help me.

From this I had to slowly see that my Heavenly Father loves me, he is showing his love to all of us in such a small way but his love is there. He is there, that is how he shows his love, he knows that in all our trials and struggles that we cannot do it all on our own, so he has told us that he is with us, that he will guide us along throughout all that we face. It is not simple to endure to the end, but we have the guidance of our Heavenly Father and the atonement of the son that can help us through all that we face, and we can endure to the end, and we will receive those blessing of love and all that we have been promised. So I know that I don’t have reference in there for the atonement, but there are lots of examples about it in the scriptures. My Heavenly Father and my brother Jesus Christ show their love for me in two ways here: through the atoning sacrifice that Christ went through and died for me so that I might be able to get back up after I fall and that they know how hard the road is and they are here for me, always, as long as I ask for it, they will help guide me through this twisted path called life.

So I am going to go out on a limb here and hope that this is an example of what you mean for restored doctrine.

I think it is so important that parents teach their kids. To be raised on the knowledge. Knowing from when you are little.

68:25 And again, inasmuch as parents have children in Zion, or in any of her stakes which are organized, that teach them not to understand the doctrine of repentance, faith in Christ the Son of the living God, and of baptism and the gift of the Holy Ghost by the laying on of the hands, when eight years old, the sin be upon the heads of the parents.

26 For this shall be a law unto the inhabitants of Zion, or in any of her stakes which are organized.

27 And their children shall be baptized for the remission of their sins when eight years old, and receive the laying on of the hands.

28 And they shall also teach their children to pray, and to walk uprightly before the Lord.

I am so thankful for the fact that my parents taught me. That I was able to learn and to grow in the church. I was taught from a young age that this church was true. I am so happy and thankful for the fact that my dad helped me learn and grow and become the person who I am today.

It is the faith of my father (or was, but that doesn’t matter) and when I was eight I was baptized. I was taught to pray and to be the daughter of God I am and I will continue to walk uprightly. I will teach my kids. My husband and I will teach our kids while they are younger and grow up in the church. That line sticks out is” those who do not teach their kids, it is not their kids fault, it is the parents fault and the sin is theirs.” How horrid would that be for me to be at the judgment seat and being punished because I did not teach my kids? So as the wonderful scriptures have told all of us to do, teach the children. I do believe that if the parents stop teaching the children will not be leaning and then the gospel will not be able to press on.

Gospel Principals and gospel doctrines are kind of the same thing, right? Well we do have four principals that we are taught in the scriptures, and they are important things to know and do and have so that would make it doctrine of the church right? Well in 49:12-14 it lists the thing you need to have, the first principals and ordaninces of the gospel. Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, Repentance, Baptism (for the remission of sins by emersion), receive the Holy Ghost (by the laying on of hands)

It is important for them to be in this order.

How can you do the other three first without having a testimony in the Lord Jesus Christ, faith in him that he did once live and that he died for you. If you do not believe that he did die for us, that he came and lived his life and bled in the garden and died and was risen from the dead FOR US, then you really wouldn’t believe in the other steps. So Therefore, without faith in the Lord Jesus Christ then there won’t be a testimony on the rest of the doctrine of the church.

I have faith in the Lord Jesus Christ... [X]

Then there is repentance. To fully give yourself into the gospel repentance is important. You need to believe that the Lord will forgive you for all that is in your past. I can't even tell you a number of how many times that the Book of Mormon and the D&C talk about repentance and the preaching of repentance. So it follows after Faith in Christ for a reason. You can't really be baptized and not believe in the fact that you can be forgive can you? No you can't, sorry.

Repentance [X]

Third baptism by emersion for the remission of sins. Most churches do not believe in baptism by emersion, and I really wish I had more to say and explain, I know I have been taught why, But I know that it is important, like the whole body being submerged, kind of physically being washed clean of all sin.

Baptism by emersion [X]

the laying on of hands for the gift of the Holy Ghost.

This is the baptism by fire. After you have gone though it all, having faith, repenting, getting baptized, you can now receive the Holy Ghost, the great comforter. I know I would be lost without it. It is in my everyday life guiding me to where I am supposed to be, and reminding me who I need to be.

Gift of the Holy Ghost [X]

I really do believe that without these four principals of the gospel that the work could not move on. We need them in our lives and we need to know them and how they each effect us and other around us.

We are taught in the scriptures about how hard the world is and how Satan will at all times be trying to tempt us and that we HAVE to be strong. I love the symbolism in the armor of God, how it takes those things in our lives that we need to have and be living and as we wear those we will have the protection we need to fight off temptation.



15 Wherefore, lift up your hearts and rejoice, and gird up your loins, and take upon you my whole armor, that ye may be able to withstand the evil day, having done all, that ye may be able to stand.

-put on the armor and do all that you can... you have to put it all on, you just can’t try a little and have just part of the armor on, you aren’t doing all you can, if you do this you will be able to withstand Satan.

16 Stand, therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, having on the breastplate of righteousness, and your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace, which I have sent mine angels to commit unto you;

-STAND UP FOR WHO YOU ARE, don't just sit there and chill out. Stand for truth, stand for righteousness, and know what you are standing for. I know there have been times that I don't fully know what I am standing up for, and people won’t buy that; you need to KNOW the gospel.

17 Taking the shield of faith wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked;

-Hold that shield up. Keep the faith that the Lord is there for you, he will protect you, and with your faith, Satan can't touch you.

18 And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of my Spirit, which I will pour out upon you, and my word which I reveal unto you, and be agreed as touching all things whatsoever ye ask of me, and be faithful until I come, and ye shall be caught up, that where I am ye shall be also. Amen.

-Keep the spirit with you at all times.

When you wear the armor of God, you WILL be protected. .. But you need it ALL!

I know that as we wear the armor of God we will be protected and that we will be able to keep caring on.

Somehow I feel like the things that I have been are not what you are asking for, but in my eyes they are doctrine and they are things that we need to be following and they do effect how the church is represented and how the members show who they are and what they know. I believe they are things that we all need to know and understand. They are things that I have learned from this semester and my studying.

I believe I am down to my last doctrine that I have to share. But I want to share another reason how I know that we are loved. It is pretty much a stretch but I know that I am loved. We were given music.

25:12 for my soul delighth in the song of the heart; yea, the song of the righteous is a prayer unto me, and it shall be answered with a blessing upon their heads.

The hymns are not just words we are singing. Hymns are testimonies. Every time I sing I am singing to my Heavenly Father. Hymns are prayers of the heart, and are treated as so by Heavenly Father. There have been times of me laying in bed and I am just singing my prayer instead of talking it. Heavenly Father loves music; he is the one who gave it to us. He doesn't care if you are good or bad, he doesn't, and it is the message that is being sent. Are you singing praises to him? Or are you singing the things of the world? That is what you have to pay attention to. I could go on for HOURS on my testimony on music. But for now just know that music was given to us by Heavenly Father, he commanded Emma to make the first hymn book that we might sing unto him. And again, he doesn't care how we sound as long as it is a song from the heart, our testimony that we know the words we are singing are true.

So going through my journal I found what I needed for this last one, and relating the end to the start.

Section 17-19

These sections had two major themes but one that really hit home for me. The atonement and trusting in the Lord.

17:2 and it is by your faith that you shall obtain a view of them.

Praying with true intent and hoping and having faith that the Lord’s help is one of the most important things that we always have to remember that we need to do.

18: 4 for in them are all things written concerning the foundation of my church, my gospel, and my rock. 5 Wherefore, if you shall build up my church, upon the foundation of my gospel and my rock, the gates of hell shall not prevail against you. 6 Behold, the world is ripening in iniquity; and it must needs be that the children of men are stirred up unto repentance, both the Gentiles and also the house of Israel.

His rock is my salvation. Trusting upon his words what I have to live for. I need him every hours of my life in all that I do. As I build my faith upon his rock, his gospel, I will feel his strength to overcome everything that I am faced with in my life. To always remember that he has atoned for me, that I will always though my faith I have a way back to him.

He went through so much for me.

19:20 Wherefore, I command you again to repent, lest I humble you with my almighty power; and that you confess your sins, lest you suffer these punishments of which I have spoken

He came to this earth and suffered ALL things. Suffered everything for me. Every pain that I have felt, every mistake that I have made, he went through it, one drop of blood for each of my deeds, thoughts, words, actions, things. The fact that he suffered and bleed and died FOR ME, that I might be able to come to the world and make mistakes and be forgiven for them. He made it possible that I can return to live with my Heavenly Father again when my life here is done AS LONG AS I follow the commandments and be who he wants me to be AND to use the atonement. My life is known, every mistake, they know I am going to make, BUT it is up to ME to use the atonement, to ask for the help, Heavenly Father wants to forgive me, I just need to take what he has given me and ASK for the forgiveness. Sometimes I feel like I use it to much but at the same time, I know that he wants me to.

Remember to pray. And how to pray. Remember to always go to Heavenly Father.

19:28 and again, I command thee that thou shalt pray vocally as well as in thy heart; yea, before the world as well as in secret, in public as well as in private. 38 Pray always, and I will pour out my Spirit upon you, and great shall be your blessing.

He wants to hear from us. Open your heart and pray. In public (as in church or dinner or something like that) AND in private (your personal prayers) I remember sitting in church and being asked who wants blessings, we would all raise our hands and then they would call on one of us to say the prayer.

My prayers, I thanks the Lord first for everything, pour out my heart in gratitude to my Lord, Then I will ask for forgiveness for mistakes that I have made, thoughts, actions, words, deeds, pled for forgiveness. After that I will ask the Lord for blessings for others, and then for myself. I try not to be a repeat prayer. I talk to the Lord like he was there with me. Tell him about my day and how wonderful it was, and how I struggled and my hopes and fears. I don't know what I would do without the strength I get from my Heavenly Father.

We are commanded to pray, we are commanded to repent, we have been given the atonement, we have been given the scriptures: all this shows the love that our father and our brother have for us, all are things we need to read and know and practice in our lives because they gave us this doctrine to help us, to help the church, and to give us the strength to keep pressing forward.

This semester I have learned and grown so much. I am so grateful for all the wonderful commandments and doctrines that we have, it might make life harder but I know that it is worth is. I know that the church is true and that the Doctrine and Convents is direct revelation from our Heavenly Father to Joseph Smith. I am grateful that I am loved enough that he has given me such great knowledge and responsibility to spread the word to all people.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Section 88

There is SO much amazing information in this section, really hard to focus on one alone so I have labeled this section for me the education section. Being an Elementary Education major these things tend to stick out to me more, so when reading this section that is what stands out.

President Uchtdorf once said “For members of the Church, education is not merely a good idea—it’s a commandment. We are to learn “of things both in heaven and in the earth, and under the earth; things which have been, things which are, things which must shortly come to pass; things which are at home, things which are abroad.”

One thing that I learned this time around that I never noticed before reading was the relation to what the lord is asking of us to do is what he is. So in our quest to be more like the Lord we have it written down in our scriptures. In verse 41 it says “He acomprehendeth all things, and all things are before him, and all things are round about him; and he is above all things, and in all things, and is through all things, and is round about all things; and all things are by him, and of him, even God, forever and ever.” This verse relates to verse 79 where it states the things that we must learn. “Of things both in aheaven and in the earth, and under the earth; things which have been, things which are, things which must bshortly come to pass; things which are at home, things which are abroad; the wars and the perplexities of the cnations, and the judgments which are on the land; and a dknowledge also of countries and of kingdoms” Does that sound familiar? The scripture was quoted by President Uchtdorf, getting an education is a commandment. I just thought it was really neat that I hadn’t noticed that before, the little connection there, and the verses being so far apart.

Why it is important to learn of these things, well one, what was said in verse 41 and also when we leave this world our knowledge is one of the only things that we will take with us into the next life.

There the scriptures have told us that we need to be educated! Lots of authorities have talked about education and how important it is.

President Boyd K. Packer said “We encourage our youth in every country to get an education. Even if at times it seems hopeless. With determination and faith in the Lord, you will be blessed with success. It is a dream well worth pursuing.”

I know sometimes I just feel like giving up or that learning all that stuff that the scriptures tell me is not worth it, but it is important to remember it is.

My patriarchal blessing even talks about education, learning, teaching, all together gaining knowledge. It is true in its statement that I will gain pleasure from learning from others and enjoying them sharing their knowledge with me.

President Hinckley once said concerning education “It is so important that you young men and you young women get all of the education that you can. The Lord has said very plainly that His people are to gain knowledge of countries and kingdoms and of things of the world through the process of education, even by study and by faith. Education is the key which will unlock the door of opportunity for you. It is worth sacrificing for. It is worth working at, and if you educate your mind and your hands, you will be able to make a great contribution to the society of which you are a part, and you will be able to reflect honorably on the Church of which you are a member. My dear young brothers and sisters, take advantage of every educational opportunity that you can possibly afford, and you fathers and mothers, encourage your sons and daughters to gain an education which will bless their lives” (meeting, Hermosillo, Mexico, 9 Mar. 1998).

My mom is always encouraging me to finish school; my family has been blessed by her finishing school. It was 2 years after my mom graduated from college and got a better job that my dad lost his job and my family was living off my mom’s income for about 6 months.

My blessing also tells me about enjoying teaching, that being another thing that the scriptures tell us; in 78 and also in 118. 78 Teach ye diligently and my agrace shall attend you, that you may be binstructed more perfectly in theory, in principle, in doctrine, in the law of the gospel, in all things that pertain unto the kingdom of God, that are expedient for you to understand; 118 And as all have not afaith, seek ye diligently and bteach one another words of cwisdom; yea, seek ye out of the best dbooks words of wisdom; seek learning, even by study and also by faith.

There is without a doubt plainly told that we need to learn and also teach. Teaching is one of the best ways to learn. There are many things that I don’t understand until I try to explain it to someone and I will slowly start to understand it better.

I guess I can’t really stress how much education means to me and how important it is to always be learning and growing and teaching. But getting and education is a commandment.

So there was something that really threw me off in this section. Starting in verse 97 it is talking about trumps and angles that are sounding. When I first started reading the verses they made me think of it being the resurrection. The first trump being the morning of the resurrection, the first resurrection, but then it kept going up to seven. So then I was just left to have no idea what was being talked about. I thought of what were seven in the scriptures: the seven seals? There are seven angles, and seven trumps, and I really have no idea what it is talking about in these verses. I looked in my book and asked a friend and I guess I am still confused about the whole matter. I was told that the first four trumps are basically heralding in the different times of the resurrection, the next three are a little harder to understand as they are making declarations about God and the fall of Satan and his church, then all of them sound a second time to herald in the judgment of the different dispensations in order. It helps a little bit but I am still left not fully understanding and grasping the whole concept of it and the more searching I do the more confused I get.

This section was full of so much important interesting things.

Sections 82-87

This goes along with the last post .. just some scriptures.

Sorry I ment to post this last week but didn't get to it. 

Section 82
2 Nevertheless, there are those among you who have sinned exceedingly; yea, even all of you have sinned; but verily I say unto you, beware from henceforth, and refrain from sin, lest sore judgments fall upon your heads.

3 For of him unto whom much is given much is required; and he who sins against the greater light shall receive the greater condemnation.
5 Therefore, what I say unto one I say unto all: Watch, for the adversary spreadeth his dominions, and darkness reigneth;

6 And the anger of God kindleth against the inhabitants of the earth; and none doeth good, for all have gone out of the way.

7 And now, verily I say unto you, I, the Lord, will not lay any sin to your charge; go your ways and sin no more; but unto that soul who sinneth shall the former sins return, saith the Lord your God.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Section 77-81

I am working on myself. 
I am trying to grow.
I know there are still somethings that are holding me back.
Life gets hard.  No one said it would be easy, but that it would be worth it.
I struggle.
More then I should.
I read my scriptures for class and I write all these thoughts and feelings that I have about what I read. 
But I cant help but feel hypocritical in some of the things.
I am not perfect.
I worry about if I can ever be good enough to recive these blessings. 
I doubt myself.
Sometimes I even look in the mirror and tell myself how much I hate me.  Tell myself that I am in fact worthless and the only good any guy will ever see in me is to be used.  It is like I have fallen down too low to even get back up again, to low for help. 
D&C 78:7 "For if you will that I give unto you a place in the celestial world, you must prepare youselves by doing the things which I have commanded you and required of you"
Easier said then done.
I have faith in the Lord, I just dont have faith or hope in myself anymore.  I feel like I am just here now. 
I know I am not alone.  Heavenly Father is with me.  But as I keep making the same mistakes over and over I am sure he is getting tired of me disobeying. 
How can some someone with a testimony like mine screw up like I do. 
My bishop has praised me and has thanked me for how strong I am and he can see it in my eyes.  Why can't I feel thing strength when faced with things.  Satan knows my weaknesses and I fall every time.  It is werid becuase sinning doesnt get easier for me, I can say no to anything and everything, but the one thing he can get me on every time.  Satan knows us. 
"Ye cannot bear all things..."  said in vers 18 of the same section.  I know I need him.  Every hour.  I struggle and I fall.  And in a world that I feel so lost and cold and alone in, he is the only one I can turn to.  But does he still want me to turn to him as I keep doing what I am doing?  "...I will lead you along"  I need him to lead me, guid me and walk beside me.  I try.  I go far.  There are times I dont even look back. 
D&C 81:6 "And if thou are faithful unto the end thou shalt have a crown of immortallity, and eaternal life in the mansions which I have prepared in the house of my father."
All I can do is try.  All I can do is keep pusing and enduring to the end.  Praying all the time, everywhere, pleeding with my father for help, for the compaionship of the Holy Ghost, the comforter, to always be with me, to help me.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Section 76

So I totally forgot to do my homework.  Not going to lie.  I know I am lame.
Since I need to get to bed I will tell you about it.

In this section it talked about the 3 kingdoms of glory. 
It gets me thinking, and I could go on about this, and I think I might have to come back and write more on it, but what happens if I don't get into the higest kingdom.  My goal is celestuial glory, but what if I don't end up there.  It is one of the scariest things that I have to think about.  You read what people go to the other kingdoms and think about spending an eternity with them.

I'm sorry, but it really gets me worked up, and I know I shouldn't be scared, but I am.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Section 75

So I read the wrong sections last time.  This time it was supposed to be 73-75.  I am so sick right now.  My head is killing me and the room is spinning. 
So I wrote stuff for the writing last time so I am going to call that good. 

I know that the church is true.  I have such a testimony that no one can tell take away from me. 

I am sry this isnt much of a post, but I will stand in rightousness and endure to the end, and the reward will be eternal life.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Sections 65-74

The thing that stuck out to me the most was about parents teaching their children.
This is short but it is true.
I think it is so importent that parents teach their kids.  To be raised on the knowledge.  Knowing from when you are little. 
68:25 And again, inasmuch as parents have children in Zion, or in any of her stakes which are organized, that teach them not to understand the doctrine of repentance, faith in Christ the Son of the living God, and of baptism and the gift of the Holy Ghost by the laying on of the hands, when eight years old, the sin be upon the heads of the parents.

26 For this shall be a law unto the inhabitants of Zion, or in any of her stakes which are organized.
27 And their children shall be baptized for the remission of their sins when eight years old, and receive the laying on of the hands.
28 And they shall also teach their children to pray, and to walk uprightly before the Lord.

I am so thankful for the fact that my parents taught me.  That I was able to Learn and to grow in the church.  I was taugh from a young age that this church was true.  I am so happy and thankful for the fact that my dad helped me learn and grow and become the person who I am today. 
It is the faith of my father (or was .. but that doesnt matter) and when I was eight I was baptised.  I was taught to pray and to be athe daughter of God I am and I will continue to walk uprightly. 
I will teach my kids.  My husban and I will teach our kids while they are younger and grow up in the church. 
That line sticks out, those who do not teach their kids, it is not their kids fault, it is the parents fault and the sin is theres.  How horrid would that be for me to be at the judgment seat and being punished because I did not teach my kids. 
I know this church is true, and  Iwill bear my testimony and teach my kids and hope and pray that they will feel the same way that I do and that my heart and testimony will touch them.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Sections 60-64

So Repentince and being faithful is what I got from these.

My favorite part of the sections was in 63 I think it talked about those who seek for signs.  There are people who think, oh if you show me this then yea I think I can believe, "seeing is believing".  But it is not. 

If I had to see things to believe them then there would be a lot I don't believe.  Have you ever been in a class that the teacher is teaching something and then says, this is how it is and it works, just believe me that it does.  Well it is kinda that situation, do you believe your teacher, yea, it works, so yea that is true.  Well, you put your faith in your teacher and believe in something that hasnt been proven.  So, you cannot say that you have to see to believe. 

You need to have faith nad believe in something without it having to be proved.  We do not live in a world of those mericals that used to happen in the time of Christ, well, we also are a stonger generation.  Those people needed those, and still I cant believe that they would have to see to believe.  It is almost like those times where they didnt know it was Christ until he made it totally obvious that it was him. 

Some people may call it blind faith.  Some people may think I am dumb, but I do not care.  I know that I am blessesd, I can see the blessings everyday in my life.  I did not need a huge sign in my life saying the church is true, I just knew it and thoughout my life my testimony grows and grows and grows. 

"faith is like a little seed.  If planted it will grow."

The Lord wants us to believe, he wont  give you a sign that it is true, you have to have faith, and you have to pray and listion for that still small voice. 

I know that this church is true.  I know that I can be forgiven for my sins.  I know that my heavenly father is there and as long as I remain faithful I will be blessed.  I will endure to the end.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Sections 54-59

There was a few things that kind of hit me while reading this reading block. 

The one thing that made the most effect was "be parient in tribulation"  That is something that I know I am not the only one that doesnt do that good of a job in.  We all have our tiralts and tribulations and Heavenly Father knows that we struggle, that doesnt mean that he doesnt love us or doesnt care.  He has his own way of doing things.  He never gives us anything that we cant handle.  He wants us to grow and to progress in life.  We always have to remember that we will get though this.  There is a way out, there is always light in darkness.  The reward in the end is ever lasting life. "For after triblulation come the blessings." 
We are supposed to be obediant.  We have the power to make our own choices, we are agent unto ourselfs. 

I read these sections durring fast and testimony meeting and these words really hit me.  I have my own agency.  I choose for myself what I will and will not do, weather it be right or wrong.  I know I have not been making the best choices in life, but I am greatful for the fact that I have been able to choose for myself how I am to go about them.  "men should be anxiously engaged in a good cause, and do as many things of their own free will, and bring to pass righteouness"  I know I need to work on that.  For the more active I am in doing good the less I have the temptation to do something that is wrong and that I should not be doing. 
The atonement is the other part.  "He who has repented of his sins, the same is forgiven, and I the Lord, Remember them no more."  Heavenly Father no longer remembers.  How amazing is that!! Don't let them sit there and eat you alive, but trust in the atoning grace and the love the Lord has for you. 

I feel as if I am a hypocrite, I have lots to work on.  I am struggling with wanting to want to work on them. 

Remeber who you are.  Stand tall and strong in rightenouss, and don't let the advasary bring you down, dont let the natiral man tell you who you are and that you dont have any worth and your only good for one thing.

I have a lot to work on.

One day I will take my own advice.  I know Heavenly Father really is trying to teach me something here.

I know that this church is true, and I am so greatful for the atonement in my life and the blessings and joy it has brought to me in my life. 

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Sections 50-53

So these sections got me thinking about a few things.  Mainly that Satan is always around, that we will always have temptation.  All Satan has to do is just get us a little bit, and leave the rest for the natural man to take care of.  There are many people and "spirits out to decive us.  We are warned to watch out for the hypocrites. 
It is scary to think how badly Satan wants us to fall, and how easy it is if we re not thinking to just give into one little thing that he asks us to do.  "once wont hurt"  but it does, I promise, it hurts. 
We always have to be on the watch for those people who want to overthrow us. 
But here is what keeps me holding on or one of the things
5 But blessed are they who are faithful and endure, whether in life or in death, for they shall inherit eternal life.

6 But wo unto them that are deceivers and hypocrites, for, thus saith the Lord, I will bring them to judgment.

We need to build our lives on the rock of our Lord and have the strength to endure.  "No one ever said it would be easy, but that is would be worth it"  We all struggle and fall into temptaion that is why our Savior gave his life for us, so that we can have the atonement and get back up on our feet when we fall. 

We need to CHASE the darkness away from us.  There is no other way, it will stay and try to take over the light until it is gone and darkness has consumed you.  Satan wont leave just because you asked him too.  You have to fight it, you have to do everything opposit he says.  Chase him away.  Be that person that when you wake yo in the morning Satan says "Dang, she is awake"
23 And that which doth not edify is not of God, and is darkness.

24 That which is of God is light; and he that receiveth light, and continueth in God, receiveth more light; and that light groweth brighter and brighter until the perfect day.

The places we live now, here on earth, this is our home, and yet it is also the land of our enimies.  Around ever courner someone is there to try to make us fail, but we cannot fall to the feet of our enimies but remeber the goal is in sight, that promise of eteral life.
So I know this is short and not very good of a entry (this is also the hw that is due friday) but there is some really good things in these sections.
I love my heavenly father.  I know that I can always pray to him to give the the strength that I need to be able to face Satan and his followers and the natural man.  I know that I can overcome Satan, as long as I have the spirit, he cannot touch me.  I know the church is true.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Sections 47-49

I feel kinda bad becuase I don't have that amzing deep thoughts for these sections.  There wasn't much that jumped out for me. 
But one thing that I did notice, that wont make me sound reptitive again in my postings is the forth artical of faith.

49:12-14 it lists the thing you need to have, the first principals and ordinces of the gosple.  Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, Repentince, Baptism (for the remission of sins by emersion), recive the Holy Ghost (by the laying on of hands)

It is importent for them to be in this order.
How can you do the other three first without having a testimony in the Lord Jesus Christ, faith in him that he did once live and that he died for you.  If you do not believe that he did die for us, that he came and lived his life and blead in the garden and died and was risen from the dead FOR US, then you really wouldnt believe in the other steps.  So Therefor, without faith in the Lord Jesus christ then there wont be a testimony on the rest of the docterin of the church.

I have faith in the Lord Jesus Christ .. [X]

Then there is repentince.  To fully give yourself into the gosple repentince is importent.  You need to believe that the Lord will forgive you for all that is in your past.  I can't even tell you a number of how many times that the Book of Mormon and the D&C talk about repentince and the preching of repentince.  So it follows after Faith in Christ for a reason.  You can't really be baptised and not believe in the fact that you can be forgive can you ?  No you can't, sorry.

Repentince [X]

Third baptism by emersion for the remission of sins.  Most churchs do not believe in baptsim by emersion, and I really wish I had more to say and explain, I know I have been taught why, But I know that it is importent, like the whole body being submerged, kinda physicly being washed clean of all sin.

Baptism by embersion [X]

The laying on of hands for the gift of the Holy Ghost.
This is the baptism by fire. After you have gone though it all, having faith, repenting, getting baptised, you can now recive the Holy Ghost, the great comforter.  I know I would be lost without it.  It is in my everyday life guiding me to where I am supposed to be, and reminding me who I need to be. 

Gift of the Holy Ghost [X]

I am so sry this isnt that good of a post.  Maybe I shouldn't be writing these when  am really tired. 

anyways.  I know the church is true, and I have compleated all the steps and still try to live my life in accordince to the Lords commandments.  I still continually am repenting and trying to keep the spirit with me.

I am greatful for all my many blessings and for missionary work.

I love this church and the Book of Mormon and D&C are true!

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Section 43-46

So thoughout these sections I had a thought of being compled to be humble in my mind.  It is something that they talk about in the Book of Mormon a lot, but just reading though these sections it sat on my mind. 
What would you be like if the savoir was right next to you?
Would you wear what you are wearing? Saying the things you say? Doing the things you are doing? 
It really gets me thinking about all the things in the Book of Mormon, where the people would be blessed and take advantige of it and fall away.  Or the people that they wanted a sign to know that those things are true, or the people that wouldn't know the savior unless he showed them and told them that he was the Christ. 

I know there is time and time again that I have had to be complled to be humble, that there are times that I do doubt the blesssing of my Heavenly Father.  I know that it is the wrong thing to do.  I think thats why I love my relationship Heavenly Father so much, where he really knows me.  He knows what I am going to do and how I am going to act.  He knows how stubborn of a spirit I am, and he always is spiritally slapping me in the face telling me I know I am doing wrong and I need to be doing what is right.  I love my relationship with him.  He has blessed me with so much.  My tallents and my abillities, I love my PB, it has taught me so much of who I am that I didn't even know I was.  There are things about me, tallents I didn't know were mine to be embraced and I have really learned to embrace them. 

When I start to doubt, I lose the spitit.  I lose the faith and am left in the dark.  I hate it, and I feel alone.  I am left alone.  When you doubt the Lord can't give you those blessings.  Then the trials get harder, because you lose the help from your Heavenly Father.  You cannot doubt, I know that I need his help, and that is the hardest thing for me to stop doubting and to always remember. 

I love my Heavenly Father.  I know he loves me.  I don't want to always be compled to be humble any more.  I know that I need to be standing stronger.  I want to be able to tell that Christ is right by me, to be able to tell who he is just by seeing him and know that it is him and not have to have him tell me or have him proove it to me.  I want to know that these things are true without proof.  I never want to lose the faith and knowledge that I have.  I don't want to lose what I have, and take advantige of the blessing that the Lord has given me.  I don't want to be like those people in the scriptures that fall away and then loose it all and get proven they are wrong and so they then go back.  I want to stay on the path I am. 

I know this was a different and kinda short post.  But it really is what I was thinking about this whole time reading.  I know that the church is true.  I know the scriptures are true.  I want to always have the Lord with me.

"Doubt not, Fear not"

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Section 42

So I feel like I waited to long to do this blog.  I read it today durring my time between my two classes, but I goofed off when I got home, so lets see how much I have retained from reading.

This section hit parts of my testimony. 

I LOVE how it talked about missionary work.  I just had a friend who just YESTERDAY reported into the MTC.  I am so proud of him.  in verse 6 " shall go forth in the power of my Spirit, preaching my gosple two by two, in my name lifting up your voices..."  Missionary work is so importent.  I'm not sure how many people know this but on my dads side of the family, his family was the first to join the church.  Yea, from what I have seen, they aren't all perfect (you can tell from my dad) but they started something.  His parents let the missionarys into their home and they joined the church.  We don't need to look at how active the family is.  My grandma has basicly fished our geneology for that side of the family, and me and my brothers and cousins have done the temple work.  So from two missionarys, we have saved many people, and done the work they didn't have the chance to on this earth.  Becuase of those missionary's that knocked on my father's family door, I am a memeber of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and I have no clue where I would be without it, most diffenitly not here typing this blog. 

I love how it mentions that we are to teach from the bible and the book of mormon.  It says right there that we read, study, and believe in the words of both books as many people believe we do not.  AND I am pretty excited to start my study of the bible, I have been failing on my personal scripture study lately, I need to start back up, sry that really doesnt have much to do with the topic, but I am excited. 

"prayer of faith; and if ye receive not the spirit ye shall not teach."  I think that is just a really good and importent reminder that we need to be teaching by the spirit, not by us, but that the spirit is the best teacher and that we need it in all that we do and say.  With the spirit it will help carry out message out to the hearts of those we are teaching.  Again I cannot wait till section 88, i think in an earlier blog I said 118, that is on of the verses so I appologize for the confusion, it is section 88 that I LOVE (along with the whole gosple and teachings I have here to read!!). 

And of course another reminder about repenting.  We are told some of the commandments that we are to obey, and about repentice and as long as we repent we can be forgiven.  BUT here they go a step fearther. It talks about repentince process a little bit, and disaplinary councials.  That when you do some things, it takes more then just a prayer to fix, that sometimes you need help from higher authorities, like your bishop. 

Blessings.  I had my first blessing of healing in, many years.  So it had a little verse on that and then went on about having faith.  If you don't have the faith to be healed, you wont be, that yes you are getting a blessing from the Lord, but you have to have faith or it wont help.  Heavenly Father is big on the you gotta have faith in me and that I can help you or I wont help you just to prove I can.  So if you want his help, you gotta have faith in him.  It seems like an easy concept, but for a lot of people it is hard.  I mean look at exsamples in the bible and the book of mormon.  The people wouldn't believe until they had a sign or something, they are constintly complelled to be humble.  I am not saying that I am perfect, Heavenly Father, I am sure, has a fun time with me.  He knows me so well.  I am sure him and I would joke around all the time before I came to Earth, so he is now having his fun with me, but he knows that I can do it, or he wouldn't have me doing this. 

Bishops store house, tithing/fast offerings.  I know they are put to the best use they can get.  I pay mine, yea what little I have, becuase even though I have nothing, I have more then some do.  And I give that offering so that someone else may see another day.  Because I know somehow, I will, Heavenly Father wont take anyone out of this world until they have compleatetd their task for being here.  I know FOR A FACT that I will be on this earth until my work is done, and I know I have a work, I am not fully sure what he has planed but, I have been told and promised things for "when [I] have finshed [my] work on the earth".

I have a strong testiomony and a firm belife in the things in the section.  I know that this church is true.  And everyday my testimony grows stronger and stronger, my candle burns brighter and brighter.  I hope it never stops.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Sections 29-41

This group for some reason seemed a little on the harder side for me to read.  I think that there was just so much information I just got over loaded.  They are mainly short sections but I had a really hard time focusing today.

There has been a lot in the past reading groups about repentince .. I am now starting to sound really reptitive by talking about that.  It is really importent though.  These words are for us, and that is something that the poeple of our generation need to hear.  We have been told to preach repentince to the world.  That is something that we need to know in this time of day.  We need not to be procrastinating the day of our repentince. 
We are reminded that as long as we repent we can continue being blessed.  And the warning of the trails and had times that are ahead for those who dont repent.  It was also a "wow" moment to sit there and read what will happen to the sinners in the last days.

Speaking of the last days it talked about the signs that we will have for those days.  The sun stops giving light, the moon blood red, wars and roomers of war, and a few other things.  It reminded me of a song that we sang last winter in choir.  It was something that sister Ashby wrote herself, the words she did take, I think she said, from the D&C most likely these sections.  It really was a great song, we hated it while we were learning it, but once we started singing it the true meaning came out to us.  It is crazy sometimes how the spirit works.
These section talk a lot about missionary work.  So havesting the feild, preaching repentince. 

Also fearing.  You cannot have faith and also be in fear.  When you fear you loose all your faith.  Fear is being in compleat darkeness and thinking you have no way out, you let the devil in when you fear.  But with the faith, you know everything will be ok, so why fear, you have no reason too.  You cannot fear and have faith at the same time.  When you let fear in you let all your faith go gone.  (in my blog "Erin's Escape" I wrote a blog on this.  I think I titled it Faith vs Fear, or something like that)

They also talk about remeber who you savior is.

34:1. ...hearken and hear and behold what I, the Lord God, shall say unto you, even Jesus Christ your Redeemer; 2 The light and the life of the world, a light which shineth in darkness and the darkness comprehendeth it not; 3 Who so loved the world that he gave his own life, that as many as would believe might become the sons of God. Wherefore you are my son; 4 And blessed are you because you have believed;

He is my light and my life. I would be lost without him. I know in the dark I can call upon him and in the dark he will lead me out.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Sections 25-28

So in section 25 I got a slap in the face.  I have a tendincy lately to be reading something and question and then find out that I cannot have an answer because it has to do with something in the temple.  I cannot compalin any more.  I just can't.  I am not supposed too. 
4 Murmur not because of the things which thou hast not seen, for they are withheld from thee and from the world, which is wisdom in me in a time to come.

Heavenly Father has blessed me with something so importent, but even though I think that I have the right to know, I guess I am not ready to know for that reason.  It will come in time, and when I do get to that time, it will be the time that I am supposed to know what those things mean. 
So for all of us, we shouldn't be mad that we don't know something, everything will work out, in the Lords time.  He knows when we are supposed to know.  I need to prove myself worthy, we all need to prove ourselves worthy and we will find out what we need to know. 

We need to set some time apart for study and prayer in our lives.  Not just some little studying but DEVOTATED studying.  We will learn so much from that.  Open study with prayer and stop and ponder and close with prayer.  We need that habbit to learn more and well it ties in with the above .. the more we work so we can stand taller and have the more knowledge then the closer we get to who we are supposed to be. 

We need to teach by the spirit but not take what we are told as commandment.  He is guiding us and helping us for us.  If we learn something to teach, teach it BY the spirit.  The spirit is the best teacher, and we should let it into our lives and grow and enjoy what peace it brings.  I LOVE THE SPIRIT.  My blessing has so much to do with the spirit and it blows my mind how much I need the spirit in my life and how empty I feel when I dont have it.  It also reminds me of my EFY interview, the question I had, basicly asked why do we need an envornment of revaltion.  We need the spirit to learn. (when we get into D&C 118, I CAN'T WAIT .. it is what I call the education section and it is one of my FAVS.!!!)  If we don't have the spirit then we wont really get what we are leaning and it wont be that big of an impact.  Have you ever had those OMGsh moments were things click?  I know that it was once I finally let the spirit into my life and that is what helps me grasp those concepts I cannot understand or reach. 


15 Wherefore, lift up your hearts and rejoice, and gird up your loins, and take upon you my whole armor, that ye may be able to withstand the evil day, having done all, that ye may be able to stand.

-put on the armor and do all that you can .. you have to put it all on, you just cant try a little and have just part of the armor on, you arn't doing all you can, if you do this you will be able to withstand satan.
16 Stand, therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, having on the breastplate of righteousness, and your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace, which I have sent mine gangels to commit unto you;

-STAND UP FOR WHO YOU ARE, don't just sit there and chill out.  Stand for truth, stand for righteousness, know what you are standing for.  I know there have been times that I don't fully know what I am standing up for, and people wont buy that, you need to KNOW the gospel.
17 Taking the shield of faith wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked;

-Hold that sheild up.  Keep the faith that the Lord is there for you, he will protect you, and with your faith, satan can't touch you.

18 And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of my Spirit, which I will pour out upon you, and my word which I reveal unto you, and be agreed as touching all things whatsoever ye ask of me, and be faithful until I come, and ye shall be caught up, that where I am ye shall be calso. Amen.

-Keep the spirit with you at all times. 

When you wear the armor of God, you WILL be protected. .. but you need it ALL!

The last thing I want to share is in these sections it mentions music. 
25:12 For my soul delighteth in the song of the heart; yea, the song of the righteous is a prayer unto me, and it shall be answered with a blessing upon their heads.
The hymns are not just words we are singing.  Hymns are testimonies.  Everytime I sing I am singing to my Heavenly Father.  Hymns are prayers of the heart, and are treated as so by Heavenly Father.  There have been times of me laying in bed and I am just singing my prayer instead of talking it.  Heavenly Father loves music, he is the one who gave it to us.  He doesn't care if you are good or bad, he doesn't, it is the message that is being sent.  Are you singing praises to him? or are you singing the things of the world?  That is what you have to pay attention to.  I could go on for HOURS on my testimony on music.  But for now just know that music was given to us by Heavenly Father, he commanded Emma to make the first hymn book that we might sing unto him.  And again, he doesn't care how we sound as long as it is a song from the heart, our testimony, that we know the words we are singing are true.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Section 20-24

I want to do this one a little differently.
20 is one of the confusing chapters for me, due to the fact that there is SOOO much in it.  I know it speaks of so much of the priesthood that I just dont fully understand.  All the many offices and what they do, I can't speerate it in my head enough to understand it.

But after reading those sections I just feel prompted to share my testimony on the atonement.  It was on my mind the whole time that I was reading the sections.

No one is perfect.
I'm not perfect.
I have felt the atonement in my life.
Without that blessing I dont know where I would be.
..I feel like I am repeating things that I wrote in my last entry and I am sorry about that.  It is just the atonement is something that is huge in my life.  I know that my savior died for me.  He gave his life so that I might live.  He faced every trial that we would.  He even had to face temptaion.  The devil came to him and tried to get him to follow and deny who he was.  But Christ basicly said Get thee hence Satin.  One of my favorite lines.  I often say that to myself in my mind when I am feeling pressured.  I know that with the Lord on my side that he will always be there for me.  That if I pray and work with him that I will not be tested above my capibillity to do things.
With the atonement, I am able to have my garmets red as scarlet and have them be washed to as white as snow again.  The thoughts and feelings of hating myself start to go away. 
Though the atonement isnt just when you want to repent, it is like an everyday way of life.  Every thought and action and deed.  In every trail, or sickness, you have the atonement.  I have a savoir that I can go to in anything and everything and ask for help.  I can feel his love.  I wake up every morning and am so thankful for the atonement and the gift of life that I have to be here and learning.  And even though I mess up (sometimes more then others) I know that my Heavenly Father loves me and he is there and wants me to come to him and remember him.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Section 17-19

These sections had two major themes but one that really hit home for me.  The atonement and trusting in the Lord. 

17:2 And it is by your faith that you shall obtain a view of them.

Praying with true intent and hoping and having faith that the Lord will help is one of the most importent things that we always have to remember that we need to do. 

18: 4 For in them are all things written concerning the foundation of my church, my gospel, and my rock. 5 Wherefore, if you shall build up my church, upon the foundation of my gospel and my rock, the gates of hell shall not prevail against you. 6 Behold, the world is ripening in iniquity; and it must needs be that the children of men are stirred up unto repentance, both the Gentiles and also the house of Israel.

His rock is my salvation.  Trusting upon his wordis what I have to live for.  I need him every hours of my life in all that I do.  As I build my faith upon his rock, his gosple, I will feel his strength to over come everything that I am faced with in my life.  To always remember that he has atoned for me, that I will always though my faith have a way back to him. 

He went though so much for me.

19:20 Wherefore, I command you again to repent, lest I humble you with my almighty power; and that you confess your sins, lest you suffer these punishments of which I have spoken

He came to this eath and suffered ALL things.  Suffered everything for me.  Every pain that I have felt, every mistake that I have made, he went though it, one drop of blood for each of my deeds, thoughts, words, actions, things.  The fact that he suffered and bleed and died FOR ME, that I might be able to come to the world and make mistakes and be forgiven for them.  He made it possible that I can return to live with my Heavenly Father again when my life here is done AS LONG AS I follow the commandments and be who he wants me to be AND to use the atonement.  My life is known, every mistake, they know I am going to make, BUT it is up to ME to use the atonement, to ask for the help, Heavenly Father wants to forgive me, I just need to take what he has given me and ASK for the forgiveness.  Sometimes I feel like I use it to much but at the same time, I know that he wants me to. 
Remember to pray.  And how to pray.  Remember to always go to Heavenly Father.
19:28 And again, I command thee that thou shalt pray vocally as well as in thy heart; yea, before the world as well as in secret, in public as well as in private.  38 Pray always, and I will bpour out my Spirit upon you, and great shall be your blessing.
He wants to hear from us.  Open your heart and pray.  In public (as in church or dinner or something like that) AND in private (your personal prayers)  I remember sitting in church and being asked who wants blessings, we would all raise our hands and then they would call on one of us to say the prayer. 
My prayers, I thanks the Lord first for everything, pour out my heart in gratitude to my Lord, Then I will ask for forgiveness for mistakes that I have made, thoughts, actions, words, deeds, pleed for forgiveness.  After that I will ask the Lord for blessings for others, and then for myself.  I try not to be a repeat prayer.  I talk to the Lord like he was there with me.  Tell him about my day and how wonderful it was, and how I struggled and my hopes and fears.  I don't know what I would do without the strength I get from my Heavenly Father.
I'm sry I don't know whats wrong today.  I am just not feeling well and veary stressed, so I am sry that this isnt that great of a blog post.  But remember how much your Heavenly Father loves you, so he sent his son and he doesnt ask much of us but to do simple things like follow the commandments, repent and pray.  Yes there are others but those are some importnet ones.
I know the church is true.
<3  Erin Christina