Sunday, May 2, 2010

Matthew 17-20

Name: Erin Christina Elliott Today’s Date: 5/2/10

Course: New Testament

Class Hour: MWF 12:45-1:45

Reading Block: Matt. 17-20 Read the entire block?

Doctrines and Principles:

• Without faith we can do nothing and receive nothing but as long as we have faith and believe we can do anything (Matthew 17:20)

• Humble yourself as a child. (Matthew 18:1-4)

• Keep the commandments. (Matthew 19)

Thoughts, Impressions, Ideas for Application:

• I love little children. I have had many experiences with them and how sweet and innocent and pure they are blows me away. It is one of those things that I wish I could go back in time and be a child again, we have no worries and the veil is so thin back then as well (or so we are told). The simple uncomplicated testimony of a child just blows me away. They know what is right and they know who they are. They have that pure love of Christ in their lives. Just think of how close we could all be if we would just humble ourselves like children. That doesn’t mean to act as them but to just understand what we are being told. To listen to what we believe and not doubt what we are told. I think the faith and pureness of little children is why I am drawn to them so much and why I am majoring in what I am. I want to always be around them and always have that amazing feeling.

• Everything I have been given really isn’t mine. I would have nothing if it was not from the blessing of my Heavenly Father, so why should I not give it all back to him. What more can I do in my life to be what I need to be to obtain eternal life. I know I am not perfect, but I know that I cannot take all that I have and not share and not give. I know that if I were to do that I would be a hypocrite. I have live with no food and when I have food I know that I need to share it and help other people out. I have no money and yet I give what I don’t have to others. I know that it is what we are supposed to do. And yet I still find myself on the selfish side sometimes and I know that I should not be. I know that I should be better, I find myself not wanting to give up things as the man in the parable. I don’t want to be like that. It is hard but I know that it is possible and that we can all do what the Lord has asked us to do.

• Whoever gives up things for the lord sake shall be blessed. One night I was thinking about how there have been people who have given up their lives because of what they believe and I wondered what I would do if that happened to me, if someone said deny God and die. It is scary to think of this, but I came to the conclusion that I could not give up what I believe to be true under any circumstance. Sometimes I feel like I am boasting about it but I am not, or I don’t mean to at least. It is weird to think of the fact that I could die for something as little as faith, though to me it is not little it is a life style. My life was given by them and I know it, I know it without a doubt and if someone wants me to deny such things I could not.

Question to Share in Class:

Q: This continues my last thought. It says that it someone loseth something for his sake they shall have eternal life, or something along those lines, and yet their life is not in such an order to receive such high blessing do they still get those blessings?

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