Sunday, May 23, 2010

John 9-11

Name: Erin Christina Elliott Today’s Date: 5/20/10

Course: New Testament
Reading Block: John 9-11

Doctrines and Principles:

• God will hear you as long as you believe (John 9:31)

• The Lord is my shepherd (John 10)

• Some things happen so that God can show is power (John 11)

Thoughts, Impressions, Ideas for Application:

• Three times the people asked how the blind man was healed and 3 times he answered. They asked a fourth time and he finally told them that he would not tell them again for they had not heard the first times. How many times does that happen to us? How many times do we do that? We cannot learn if we do not listen. It makes me wonder if people really want to know what they are asking or if they are asking just because they feel like they have to in order to be nice. I am not saying that I never have to ask the same question a few times, I mean who doesn’t forget things, but it is all in the same moment, people ask the same questions over and over and over again and it does tend to get annoying and it hurts to know that they are not really listening to what you are saying. Do they really care? I think the only good thing that came from this is the blind man’s answers got more powerful and fuller every time he shared his story. It became his testimony and just like testimonies, they have to be shared to grow and become stronger.

• I know that Christ and my Heavenly Father bring light to my life. It says that those who walk in the day (the light) will not stumble but those who walk at night (the dark) will stumble because they cannot see. There have been times that I have been without the Lord in my life; thinking that I can do things on my own and that I would be fine. Those times in darkness are when we think that we can do it all alone, when we don’t take the Lord with us in all that we do. Those times are the worst, and the feeling of being in the light, the Lord in your life and taking him with you always and remembering that he is there and wants you safe are the best times. The world is a dark scary lonely place, but with Christ, Heavenly Father, and the Spirit it does not have to be. We need to walk in the light and remember that as long as we do, we will not fall.

• I sometimes forget that all things that happen have a reason and a purpose for happening. It really is all according to His will and what is for the best of us. Heavenly Father is pretty smart for how he works and very mysterious. That I think is one important thing to always remember, everything happens for a reason, every trial, every bad and good thing, no matter what, we need to remember and learn from it all.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

John 6-8

Name: Erin Christina Elliott Today’s Date: 5/20/10

Course: New Testament
Reading Block: John 6-8

Doctrines and Principles:

• Christ is the bread of life (John 6:35)

• Judge righteous judgments (John 7:24)

• No one will be taken before their time (John 8:20 (and other places))

Thoughts, Impressions, Ideas for Application:

• Chapter six makes me think of the sacrament. He is the bread of life, the bread represents his body and the water his blood. He refers to himself and says whoever shall eat of him shall have eternal life. It is partaking of the sacrament. The thing that gets me even more is how after him saying these things is when people turn on him and walk away and will no longer follow him. My heart hurt reading this. How can they walk away from him? People are so easily swayed by the words of others, to follow the crowd rather than following a single person is a safer choice to make. Well, growing up, even more so when my dad left the church my life was under constant watch and to follow the Lord was a lot harder to do. It was a choice to be always yelled at and verbally abused by my father for going to church and doing everything he hated me doing as well as when I messed up he would call me out on it every time. I can see why people would walk away from the Lord and stop following him, no longer walk with him. I can see how Christ would turn to the 12 and ask them if they would walk away too. I can see why people would do the things they did. In my life I choose to keep following Christ no matter what anyone says.

• Fear is another thing that people hide from. I am not sure if it is the same for back then but I know there have been times that for fear of what people would think I would keep my mouth closed. Everyone was supposed to hate someone and I was their friend, but if everyone knew that I would be hated as well. I regret doing that. Even those who believed in Christ and loved him would not speak of him in fear of the Jews. I think sometimes we let fear rule our lives. We don’t take a chance or we won’t bare our testimony in fear of getting shut down or made fun of or hated. We will hide who we are and pretend that we don’t know anything about anything just for acceptance and protection. No one wants to feel left out and be alone or hated because of something they believe in. Fear rules our hearts at times, and with fear – there can be no faith.

• There is so much that there is to think about. One thing that hit me the most was whosoever is without sin can cast the first stone. Who am I to judge another when I walk imperfectly? One thing that we do a lot and a perfect example here where these people were to cast stones at this woman because she had sinned, we like to cast harsh things and judge and turn our backs on people who have “sinned”. I have felt the harshness of such a thing and it hurts to know that those who have no right to judge me are saying that I am horrible and worthless when they as well are not perfect. I know the I am not perfect and I cannot look at someone and call them a sinner for anything that they have done, if anything I want to help them, I never want anyone to feel the pain that I have felt at any point in my life. We all have our fault and have made our mistakes and lived our lives. So what a wonderful and perfect lesson Christ simply states, for those who are without sin, they can cast the first stone, but no one could and they all left. It is Christ who can say to us that we are without sin, he can take it all away and make us new. He is the judge, and most of the time as long as we go to him, he will judge us as clean and remove the sin from us. So who am I to judge another? I am no one to judge, I do walk imperfectly.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

John 1-5

Name: Erin Christina Elliott Today’s Date: 5/19/10

Course: New Testament

Reading Block: John 1-5

Doctrines and Principles:

• Man baptizes by water and the spirit baptizes by fire (John 1)

• Believe in Christ and ye shall have eternal life (John 3)

• Through Christ we shall never thirst again (John 4:10-14)

Thoughts, Impressions, Ideas for Application:

• The Lord is my light, so why should I fear? Nothing really truly went along with this in this block yet it was in my head. Light was a theme in one of the chapters, or at least part of a chapter. It kind of threw me off a little bit when it said that God was the light and that we don’t HAVE it but that we are suppose to share it. It may not say that exactly but that is how I took it. So I thought about it for a moment. The Lord is my light. I feel him in my life and it is the light that guides me through the darkness and I know that he is with me and even though I do fear at times I know that I should not because he will guide me through it all. I have such an amazing thing in my life and it burns inside me that I cannot keep it to myself. I bear my testimony in so many ways daily. Even to those not of the church they know how much I love my savoir and my heavenly Father. I tell them about the wonderful things that I am blessed with and the many things that they have helped me through. The Lord is my light and I will share that light with all those around me.

• I have more thoughts just going through my mind but I don’t know how to express them in writing. All that I can really think about is how people can hear the things that Christ spoke of and still hate him. How Christ knew what was going to happen and he spoke of it and yet none of them understood and followed what he was talking about. I know we have not read about it yet but Christ hints about it and now it is telling about the Jews wanting him dead and it is so hard to read. It always makes me think about what type of person would I have been back then? Would I have understood? Would I have known who he was? So just reading in John 5 it leaves me just to ponder and I cannot really come up with words to say but just reflect in my own heart.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Luke 16-19

Name: Erin Christina Elliott Today’s Date: 5/16/10

Course: New Testament

Class Hour: MWF 12:45-1:45

Reading Block: Luke 16-19

Doctrines and Principles:

• No one can serve two masters (Luke 16:13)

• Always forgive everything (Luke 17:3-4)

• Those things that are impossible with men, are possible though God (Luke 18:27)

Thoughts, Impressions, Ideas for Application:

• There is this part that talks about justification before men. I know that I tend to do that and I am pretty sure we all do it. We take things that we do and we try to justify them so that we sound better or not as lame or just whatever it is to make it sound like what we are doing is not exactly what we are doing. There has been a time in my life that that is what I did, just justified everything that I did. I didn’t want anyone to think less of me because I did something I shouldn’t have done or because I was Mormon. It comes down to a point that we can justify all we want to those around us, but when it comes to God, we can’t justify our deeds, he knows all, and he knows our hearts.

• Such a little thing as faith may not seem like a lot and that it can do much, but with pure unwavering faith, even faith as small as a grain of mustard seed it can do so much. People are healed by faith, these people in the scriptures most not healed by the laying on of hands but by their faith. “Thy faith hath made the whole” Those words fill my heart. Knowing that through my faith, even though it may not seem like I can move mountains I have the faith to know that through my Heavenly Father anything can happen.

• Lots wife looked back and longed for that what she did have. Repentance, fully repenting means not turning back around. It is normal to long for that which once was, to have that feeling or whatever the sin gave you again in your life. Satan works and makes you want to long for it and want it more than anything. I struggle. There are times that I feel so empty, so lost, so invisible, so hated of myself that I would give anything to have that feeling of someone caring again, but I know I can’t, I know that I cannot turn around. It hurts to look back and just as Lots wife no good comes from turning around again.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Luke 10-15

Name: Erin Christina Elliott Today’s Date: 5/4/10

Course: New Testament

Reading Block: Luke 10-15

Doctrines and Principles:

• Love God with all of yourself (Luke 10:27)

• Love thy neighbor even thy enemy and show compassion to all (Luke 10:37)

• Knock, Ask, Seek (Luke 11:9-10)

Thoughts, Impressions, Ideas for Application:

• A poor way fairing man of grief…Who sued so humbly for relief…Just perishing for want of bread, I gave him all; he blessed it, brake… The song goes on telling of all the times that this man ran into the other man and every time he stopped all he was doing and helped him. In the end he realized that this man was the savior. Of me thou hast not been ashamed. How often do we find ourselves in such a rush that we just pass by those opportunities? We are supposed to help all those around us and love our neighbor no matter who our neighbor is. We probably will never have the experience of the person being Christ, but it could be someone that we needed to meet, someone to teach us something. None the less in the end, we are to be more Christ like and he would stop and help all those in need and we as well need to stop.

• Sadly enough there are times when I do not put Christ/church first in my life. I actually have been struggling and stressing myself sick lately and got a blessing the other night. In that blessing I am reminded of all the things that I know for a fact I am not diligently doing because I stay up till 12:30 every night doing homework and go right to bed. I put my school work and sleep first and do not do personal scripture study and real perfect prayer time like I should be doing. I do pray, but it’s laying in bed while I am trying to fall asleep, actually I cannot sleep unless I am talking to my Heavenly Father, it helps me clear my mind and calm myself so that I can actually rest. Just like the little sand and rock object lesson, (the rocks being things like scripture and prayer and the sand being all the other things in life like school and TV) you cannot get the rocks in if you put the sand in first, the rocks go in and then the sand. If we all put Christ first in our lives then even if it doesn’t seem like we will have the time, we will, the Lord will make sure that we have time for everything.

• We all have the light of Christ shining within us, and that light is a light that we need to let shine forth for others to see. We need to always be looking for what is right and never hide ourselves or be ashamed of who we really are. I know that I am a daughter of God. I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and I will stand strong and proud and say that to anyone. I do not hide who I am, and I try in everything I do to let my light so shine and not be hid so that other may see that there is something different about me, that they may understand that yes I am different. There have been people in my life notice that, and they have asked, and they respect me so much more for the fact that I know these things and how strong I stand for them.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Mark 7-10

Name: Erin Christina Elliott Today’s Date: May 11, 2010

Course: New Testament

Reading Block: Luke 7-10

Doctrines and Principles:

• Fear not and believe (Luke 8:20)

• Christ can do all, even that that man cannot (Luke 8:43-48)

• You cannot grow if you do not stand in holy places (Luke 8:12-15)

Thoughts, Impressions, Ideas for Application:

• Faith and fear cannot both be in you. It is either one of the other. You cannot fear something and have faith that it will be alright, you have to just have the faith and fear not. I remember sitting down and really thinking about this and I after truly going over it in my head I understood why I feel so much more lost and confused when I am afraid of something rather than just having faith and knowing no matter what everything will work out in the end. That is one of my greatest problems. Faith and fear cannot be in your heart together.

• This really hit me hard reading it. I need to remember that even though man is not doing anything to help me, my heavenly father and Christ can. I just need to get over my whole to afraid to ask for a blessing thing. I always fear that my reason for wanting a blessing of comfort is dumb or not worthy of a blessing and wasting peoples time. I need to remember that Christ is there to help me and will always be there to help me. There is only so much that man can do, but through Christ everything, EVERYTHING can be healed.

• Stand in holy places, protected by the storm. Stand in holy places when your sails are ripped and torn. I cannot think of the song off the top of my head but it is a good song. It reminds me that we need to be standing in holy places with our roots dug in deep to what we know. It is so easy to follow the crowd and to the things that others want you to do even when you know they are not the best choice. We all need to remember that we need to stand in holy places and be an example and stand strong.

Luke 3-6

Name: Erin Christina Elliott Today’s Date: May 9, 2010

Course: New Testament

Reading Block: Luke 3-6

Doctrines and Principles:

• Christ was able to with stand Satan no matter what he said and did. (Luke 4:2-14)

• When you kick Satan out of your life you will be filled with the spirit and your light will be able to shine to the nations (Luke 4:14)

• It is not to call together the righteous but to call the sinners to repentance (Luke 5:32)

Thoughts, Impressions, Ideas for Application:

• Genealogy really is important. It is important to know where we came from. It helps us understand who we are. It can give us pride (in a good way) of who we are. I do think it is important to know who are ancestors are and what they did. They are the people who came before us and who made the world we live in what it is. They marked the path, and worked their whole lives so that we might have a little better of a life. It also helps remind us that once you trace it all the way back, that we really are literally the sons and daughters of God. Proof that fills my heart with joy and reminds me that I am worth so much more than I give myself credit for.

• Just like us Christ had to face the temptation of Satan. I think of how well he was able to get through that, and I think of all the times that I have failed. It just seems so easy for Christ to just say no. But I also know the great feeling there is when Satan and all his evil leaves. There really is a light that others can see. For the time you are weak and once it is gone you are strong again. I know the feeling to be truly happy and to have no weight any more. I know that others can tell because my friends all saw that something was different, there really is the light of Christ that can once again shine on through one Satan is out of our lives.

• Why are we so quick and easy to forget all that the Lord has done for us? First we doubt what the Lord can do for us, and then we receive that blessing, and then forget that it was the lord that gave it to us. I am not innocent; I know that I have done that before. It just bugs me how it happens time after time after time, and yet the Lord still forgives us and keeps blessing us. I am so grateful for the blessing and the lessons that he teaches us through them.

Mark 4-10

Name: Erin Christina Elliott Today’s Date: 5/6/10

Course: New Testament

Reading Block: Mark 4-10

Doctrines and Principles:

• Christ taught his doctrine through parables (Mark 4:2)

• Our faith is what makes us whole (Mark 5:27-34)

• Even on Sunday Christ took the opportunity to teach(Mark 6:1)

Thoughts, Impressions, Ideas for Application:

• Master, the tempest is raging! The billows are tossing high! The sky is oer’shadowed with blackness No shelter or help is nigh. Carest Thou not that we perish? How canst Thou lie asleep?! When each moment so madly is threatening, A grave in the angry deep? The Lord will always be there for us. We should not question him, no harm will ever come to us as long as we have the faith in him. I know that I cannot be that person who ever doubts the Lord. It just, I hate reading about how often the Lord has to say “ye of little faith” How can people doubt that power and all that he does over and over and over again?!

• There are so many people in the world, so many people praying and asking for help. Heavenly Father and Christ know each and every one of us. He knows all our needs and he knows out pleas. They are aware of us and know when we are asking for them. I know there are times when I doubt if the Lord knows that I am here and in need of him. He knows, I know he knows and I can feel him in my life every hour of every day. As long as I call upon him for help and put all my faith in him that he can help, he helps. It is the fact that you have faith that makes you whole, it is the faith in the Lord that he can help us and will help us. I love my Heavenly Father, and I am so grateful for all that he does for me.

• Those with ears to hear will be the ones to hear the teachings of the gospel. There are often times I have to be told over and over again things that I need to do because the first 100 times I just didn’t want to hear it. There are many things that we all hear and are taught but we don’t always really hear the words and process the lesson being taught to us. It is only when we are ready to hear and ready to learn and do what is being asked of us is when we will really learn and grow.

Mark 1-3

Name: Erin Christina Elliott Today’s Date: 5/4/10

Course: New Testament

Reading Block: Mark 1-3

Doctrines and Principles:

• Denying the Holy Ghost is one of the worst things you can do (Mark 3:29)

• Christ heals by the faith of the person (Mark 2:5)

• We need to pray in solitary places (Mark 1:34)

Thoughts, Impressions, Ideas for Application:
• It wasn’t until just lately that I have really been thinking about blessings and how through the atonement we can be healed of sicknesses too. It is through our faith that we receive those blessings and healings through the priesthood. If we don’t truly have faith that we can be healed then, well, we won’t. It is just like the scriptures say, by your faith you are healed.

• I will go, I will do, the things the Lord commands. Just like Nephi and even the apostles of Christ, they dropped everything and followed Christ and what the Lord has commanded them to do. It makes me wonder if I could just drop everything and go, if I would leave all that I have because that is what the Lord wanted me to do. I do those little things that I am asked to do, but I know until I do those huge things and pack up and leave the life I am living for anything that the Lord says, I won’t be fully following in my saviors footsteps. I hate the fact that as I sit here and think about it I cannot say I will do anything and everything the Lord commands me. I know I want to, but I feel like I am going to have to be compelled or pushed. I wish I was as great as them to just drop everything and follow.

• Christ left everyone and everything to go and pray in a quiet place. I think that everyone should do that. I know that when I hide myself and pray to where I am away from my yelling roommates and distractions I can communicate better with my Heavenly Father. It is a more sure way to be able to get our thoughts across and get our answers received. If it is loud and crazy around us and we are not really taking ourselves out of the worries of the day then it is not as meaningful and it will be harder to hear and feel the spirit whispering to us the answers to our thoughts and questions.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Matthew 17-20

Name: Erin Christina Elliott Today’s Date: 5/2/10

Course: New Testament

Class Hour: MWF 12:45-1:45

Reading Block: Matt. 17-20 Read the entire block?

Doctrines and Principles:

• Without faith we can do nothing and receive nothing but as long as we have faith and believe we can do anything (Matthew 17:20)

• Humble yourself as a child. (Matthew 18:1-4)

• Keep the commandments. (Matthew 19)

Thoughts, Impressions, Ideas for Application:

• I love little children. I have had many experiences with them and how sweet and innocent and pure they are blows me away. It is one of those things that I wish I could go back in time and be a child again, we have no worries and the veil is so thin back then as well (or so we are told). The simple uncomplicated testimony of a child just blows me away. They know what is right and they know who they are. They have that pure love of Christ in their lives. Just think of how close we could all be if we would just humble ourselves like children. That doesn’t mean to act as them but to just understand what we are being told. To listen to what we believe and not doubt what we are told. I think the faith and pureness of little children is why I am drawn to them so much and why I am majoring in what I am. I want to always be around them and always have that amazing feeling.

• Everything I have been given really isn’t mine. I would have nothing if it was not from the blessing of my Heavenly Father, so why should I not give it all back to him. What more can I do in my life to be what I need to be to obtain eternal life. I know I am not perfect, but I know that I cannot take all that I have and not share and not give. I know that if I were to do that I would be a hypocrite. I have live with no food and when I have food I know that I need to share it and help other people out. I have no money and yet I give what I don’t have to others. I know that it is what we are supposed to do. And yet I still find myself on the selfish side sometimes and I know that I should not be. I know that I should be better, I find myself not wanting to give up things as the man in the parable. I don’t want to be like that. It is hard but I know that it is possible and that we can all do what the Lord has asked us to do.

• Whoever gives up things for the lord sake shall be blessed. One night I was thinking about how there have been people who have given up their lives because of what they believe and I wondered what I would do if that happened to me, if someone said deny God and die. It is scary to think of this, but I came to the conclusion that I could not give up what I believe to be true under any circumstance. Sometimes I feel like I am boasting about it but I am not, or I don’t mean to at least. It is weird to think of the fact that I could die for something as little as faith, though to me it is not little it is a life style. My life was given by them and I know it, I know it without a doubt and if someone wants me to deny such things I could not.

Question to Share in Class:

Q: This continues my last thought. It says that it someone loseth something for his sake they shall have eternal life, or something along those lines, and yet their life is not in such an order to receive such high blessing do they still get those blessings?