Sunday, May 23, 2010

John 9-11

Name: Erin Christina Elliott Today’s Date: 5/20/10

Course: New Testament
Reading Block: John 9-11

Doctrines and Principles:

• God will hear you as long as you believe (John 9:31)

• The Lord is my shepherd (John 10)

• Some things happen so that God can show is power (John 11)

Thoughts, Impressions, Ideas for Application:

• Three times the people asked how the blind man was healed and 3 times he answered. They asked a fourth time and he finally told them that he would not tell them again for they had not heard the first times. How many times does that happen to us? How many times do we do that? We cannot learn if we do not listen. It makes me wonder if people really want to know what they are asking or if they are asking just because they feel like they have to in order to be nice. I am not saying that I never have to ask the same question a few times, I mean who doesn’t forget things, but it is all in the same moment, people ask the same questions over and over and over again and it does tend to get annoying and it hurts to know that they are not really listening to what you are saying. Do they really care? I think the only good thing that came from this is the blind man’s answers got more powerful and fuller every time he shared his story. It became his testimony and just like testimonies, they have to be shared to grow and become stronger.

• I know that Christ and my Heavenly Father bring light to my life. It says that those who walk in the day (the light) will not stumble but those who walk at night (the dark) will stumble because they cannot see. There have been times that I have been without the Lord in my life; thinking that I can do things on my own and that I would be fine. Those times in darkness are when we think that we can do it all alone, when we don’t take the Lord with us in all that we do. Those times are the worst, and the feeling of being in the light, the Lord in your life and taking him with you always and remembering that he is there and wants you safe are the best times. The world is a dark scary lonely place, but with Christ, Heavenly Father, and the Spirit it does not have to be. We need to walk in the light and remember that as long as we do, we will not fall.

• I sometimes forget that all things that happen have a reason and a purpose for happening. It really is all according to His will and what is for the best of us. Heavenly Father is pretty smart for how he works and very mysterious. That I think is one important thing to always remember, everything happens for a reason, every trial, every bad and good thing, no matter what, we need to remember and learn from it all.

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