Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Mark 7-10

Name: Erin Christina Elliott Today’s Date: May 11, 2010

Course: New Testament

Reading Block: Luke 7-10

Doctrines and Principles:

• Fear not and believe (Luke 8:20)

• Christ can do all, even that that man cannot (Luke 8:43-48)

• You cannot grow if you do not stand in holy places (Luke 8:12-15)

Thoughts, Impressions, Ideas for Application:

• Faith and fear cannot both be in you. It is either one of the other. You cannot fear something and have faith that it will be alright, you have to just have the faith and fear not. I remember sitting down and really thinking about this and I after truly going over it in my head I understood why I feel so much more lost and confused when I am afraid of something rather than just having faith and knowing no matter what everything will work out in the end. That is one of my greatest problems. Faith and fear cannot be in your heart together.

• This really hit me hard reading it. I need to remember that even though man is not doing anything to help me, my heavenly father and Christ can. I just need to get over my whole to afraid to ask for a blessing thing. I always fear that my reason for wanting a blessing of comfort is dumb or not worthy of a blessing and wasting peoples time. I need to remember that Christ is there to help me and will always be there to help me. There is only so much that man can do, but through Christ everything, EVERYTHING can be healed.

• Stand in holy places, protected by the storm. Stand in holy places when your sails are ripped and torn. I cannot think of the song off the top of my head but it is a good song. It reminds me that we need to be standing in holy places with our roots dug in deep to what we know. It is so easy to follow the crowd and to the things that others want you to do even when you know they are not the best choice. We all need to remember that we need to stand in holy places and be an example and stand strong.

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